Enter a world of mystery and contrast, where every moment has its own distinctive story. My goal is not only to capture the face, but also to reveal the soul that hides behind the black and white veil. When I let go of the color palette of photography and can focus my attention only on the effects of light in black and white photography, I can let not only the subjects, but also the people who expose themselves in front of my lens stand out better. It's the very core of the work.  In this mythological battle of light and dark, I capture moments that tell their own stories. Each image reflects the uniqueness and beauty of each person. Through black and white images, emotions and atmospheres emerge that last forever.
I offer you the opportunity to book a photo shoot that will immerse you in the fascinating world of black and white art. Accept the challenge and you will discover the power that can only be expressed through a black and white image. Your photographs will reflect not only the images, but also your uniqueness and the power you carry within.
Join me on this magical adventure where you will encounter uniqueness, mystique and unforgettable memories. Your order is waiting for you.
Múza je pro mě krásná žena, vyvolávající ve mně obraz dokonalé ženskosti, se všemi atributy, jenž v sobě obsahuje moje anima. Moje ženská část ve mně, která projektuje svou představu o ženské kráse. Je to niterní pocit, když se dívám na fotící se ženu přede mnou a snažím se zachytit to, co je v souladu s tímto mým subjektivním vnímáním krásy. Snažím se vyjevit celou komplexnost ženské krásy a zachytit ji v krásné póze, ladném pohybu bohyně, slušivém světle, správné tonalitě barev a najít v ní i ty emoce, které ke mně promlouvají, jak chci, aby ke mně žena promlouvala. Její vnější krása by měla být korunována i vášní a vnitřní krásou, intelektem, a vrozenou moudrostí i ryzím charakterem. Múzu nevidím jen jako ozdobenou krásou, ale i tím, co je v ní obsažené. Chci vyjevit její nitro, které přichází, když se celé naší tvorbě odevzdá.

The Muse is for me a beautiful woman, evoking in me the image of perfect femininity, with all the attributes that my anima contains. The feminine part of me that projects my idea of feminine beauty. It's an intimate feeling when I look at the woman in front of me taking a photo and try to capture what is in line with this subjective perception of beauty. I try to bring out the full complexity of a woman's beauty and capture it in a beautiful pose, the graceful movement of a goddess, the decent light, the right tonality of colors and find the emotions that speak to me, how I want a woman to speak to me. Her outer beauty should be crowned also with passion and inner beauty, intellect, and innate wisdom and pure character. I do not see the Muse as adorned only with beauty, but also with what is contained within her. I want to reveal her inner self, which comes when she surrenders herself to our entire creation.
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