Kdykoliv se může přihodit, že do našeho života vstoupí tma, a vše co bylo světlem, náhle zhasne. Existuje jen užírající permanentní bolest bez možného východiska. Ani naděje tam není. Časem přestaneme mít strach ze smrti. Naopak bychom ji uvítali, protože by nás mohla milosrdně vysvobodit z těchto trýznivých okovů. Po opravdu velmi dlouhé době přijde náhle klid. Přestaneme vzdorovat tomuto osudu. Odevzdáme se mu a necháme se vést. Začneme se častěji a intenzivněji potkávat s naší částí, která byla po celý život ve stínu a nepoznaná. Jdeme životem a přestáváme uhýbat ranám. Cítíme se silnější. Naše okolí nás nepoznává a jsme cizinci tam, kde byl dřív domov. Cítíme více bolesti druhých a chceme tu jejich bolest nést, aby sami netrpěli. Začínáme vnímat do morku kostí ty, jejíž pocity jsme cítit nikdy nechtěli. V jejich očích nyní vidíme sami sebe. Víme, že je v nich síla, jenž v sobě nese pradávný plamen. Ten plamen je Prometheův. Je to dar i břímě. Něco, co se v nás zrodilo ve stavu nekonečného utrpení. V nás je nyní ten oheň. A to je nové světlo, co prosvěcuje temnotu. Cítíme se víc svobodní. Cítíme, že víc život žijeme.
At any time it may happen that darkness enters our lives, and all that was light suddenly goes out. There is only consuming permanent pain with no possible way out. There is not even hope. In time, we will cease to fear death. On the contrary, we would welcome it, for it could mercifully deliver us from these agonizing shackles. After a very long time indeed, suddenly peace comes. We will stop resisting this fate. We surrender to it and let it guide us. We begin to meet more often and more intensely the part of us that has been in the shadows and unrecognized all our lives. We move through life and stop dodging the blows. We feel stronger. Our surroundings don't recognize us and we are strangers where home used to be. We feel more of the pain of others and want to bear their pain so that we don't suffer ourselves. We begin to feel to the core those whose feelings we never wanted to feel. In their eyes, we now see ourselves. We know there is a power within them that carries an ancient flame. That flame is Prometheus'. It is a gift and a burden. Something born in us in a state of endless suffering. The fire is in us now. And it is the new light that shines through the darkness. We feel more free. We feel more alive.
At any time it may happen that darkness enters our lives, and all that was light suddenly goes out. There is only consuming permanent pain with no possible way out. There is not even hope. In time, we will cease to fear death. On the contrary, we would welcome it, for it could mercifully deliver us from these agonizing shackles. After a very long time indeed, suddenly peace comes. We will stop resisting this fate. We surrender to it and let it guide us. We begin to meet more often and more intensely the part of us that has been in the shadows and unrecognized all our lives. We move through life and stop dodging the blows. We feel stronger. Our surroundings don't recognize us and we are strangers where home used to be. We feel more of the pain of others and want to bear their pain so that we don't suffer ourselves. We begin to feel to the core those whose feelings we never wanted to feel. In their eyes, we now see ourselves. We know there is a power within them that carries an ancient flame. That flame is Prometheus'. It is a gift and a burden. Something born in us in a state of endless suffering. The fire is in us now. And it is the new light that shines through the darkness. We feel more free. We feel more alive.
Autor: Michal Botek
Makeup artist: Nikushé Šrubařová
Asistenti: Pavel Berčo a Pavel Slepička
Prométheus: Francesco DeLa Dobroty